Salutations and Quotations

Looking Forward To Networking With Other Art Enthusiasts And History Buffs Everywhere!

"The truth of our history must be preserved and passed on to the children. Some of these truths are harsh and cruel...but they reflect our strength and endurance as a people. The bad must be told with the good...the tribulations must be told with the triumphs. For together they make up the fabric of who we are...They act as sounding boards as to how far we have come as a people...and as to how much progress we have truthfully made." Carl G. Brown

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

"I HAVE" (A Spiritual Poem) by Carl G. Brown

I have stories to tell about things in my life that really happened
About things that taught me what to do
I have a testimony to give...poetic words of instruction
Comes from the scars and pain of learning the hard way what not to do

I have walked down many of life’s dead-end streets for I am a sinner
I have survived some dismal scenes and schemes...only by the grace of GOD do I still live
I have to remember the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus suffered for all of us
And have the courage to make a sacrifice whenever it’s my turn to give

I have to keep my feet planted firmly on the ground
My mind must never float off into the moon...the stars...the sun
I have to keep my thinking unclouded by evil and steadfast on Christ
Or no one will believe or understand where these spiritual messages are coming from

I have real words of truth from my real life experiences
Fiction may be cool for some…but how full does something unreal fill a cup?
I have to truly believe that I can lose no spiritual battles
If I keep serving The Lord by standing firm in my Faith and never giving up

I have to tell the GOD sent truth because there is no victory in lies
I will have nothing to regret if my heart remains obedient to GOD and true
I will continue to worship The Lord in good times and in bad times
I will continue to give Jesus Christ the credit for every righteous thing that I do

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